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Technical Assistance

The Sandhills Task Force provides technical assistance to landowners wishing to implement a conservation practice without agreeing to cost-share dollars.  We provide assistance in grazing plan development, prescribed burn planning and implementation, mechanical eastern red cedar control, lake renovation, and wetland and stream restoration. 

Cost-Share Programs

The Sandhills Task Force provides financial assistance to help landowners meet their conservation goals. Types of conservation projects include Eastern red cedar control, grazing system improvement, stream and wetland restoration, and lake renovation.


Eastern Red Cedar Control

Woody encroachment has become problematic within the Sandhills, reducing the quality and quantity of habitat for grassland-dependent wildlife and grazing livestock. The Sandhills Task Force can help you decide the best course of action to control the invasion and provide support through the entire process. Funds are available for prescribed burns and mechanical control. 


Grazing System Improvement

Do you have questions about your grazing system? We'd love to visit with you about them and share our experiences. If you want to change your system to benefit wildlife, birds, ecosystem health, and your bottom line, we have funds available to help with the needed infrastructure. 


Stream and Wetland Restoration

The Sandhills are home to over a million acres of wetlands, and many have been manipulated in ways that have caused degradation over time. We want to help you restore the hydrology and enable them to function better. We have some funds to do this work, and we're happy to raise more if you have a big project. Want to learn more? Check out our Featured Project on Gordon Creek!


Lake Renovation

Many Sandhill lakes are suffering from an invasion of common carp. Carp muddy the water, making it so desirable fish cannot survive. The muddy water also deters waterfowl and beneficial wetland plants. We can help remove the carp and install structures to prevent re-infestation. The changes are fast and almost unbelievable!

Interested in technical assistance or a project?


Ashley Garrelts

Eastern Red Cedar/Grazing Systems

Email Me!


Tevyn Baldwin


Email Me!


Sandhills Stewards

Sandhills Stewards is a program designed to help bring our Sandhills producers the tools they need most to succeed. Ultimately it is a network of producers throughout the Sandhills that share common values that use those values to help shape the culture of our area. We believe that strong communities and local connections are the most effective way to implement the changes we want to see around us.


Ranch Internships

The Sandhills Task Force has partnered with select Ranches in the Nebraska Sandhills to offer an exciting Internship opportunity to a few outstanding individuals.


To learn more about the Sandhills Task Force and our work click any of the following links:

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