A long-time prescribed fire advocate is now educating the youth of Nebraska on the importance of prescribed fire and its use to control Eastern Red Cedar. Burner Bob® is a bobwhite quail who saved his home, the Long Leaf Forest, in the Southeastern United States using prescribed fire. He is the creation of Reece Thompson, who authored a story and coloring book featuring Burner Bob® and his forest friends. After saving his own home, Burner Bob® travels across the land to teach people about the importance of prescribed fire as a tool to restore degraded landscapes.
In the new story and coloring book, created by a team of conservationists led by the Sandhills Task Force, Burner Bob® meets up with his friend Greta in the Sandhills of Nebraska. Greta is a sharp-tail grouse whose grassland home is being invaded by Eastern Red Cedar Trees. In the story, these two characters team up with the rancher and use prescribed fire to save the Sandhills grassland, home to numerous other wildlife and plant species. The coloring book aims to teach youth and adults about the Sandhills grassland ecosystem and the importance that fire plays in its survival.
Coloring books can be obtained by contacting the Sandhills Task Force, the Nebraska Game and Parks, The Nature Conservancy, Pheasants Forever, or the Nebraska Prescribed Fire Council.