Eric Hansen
North Platte, NE
Eric is a 5th generation Sandhills rancher operating in Lincoln, McPherson, and Keith Counties. He has spent his entire life on the Hansen 77 Ranch, started in 1877, and made it permanent after graduating from Nebraska Wesleyan University in 1994. He has been married to his wife Jill since 1994, and they have four amazing daughters. He is currently the chairman of the Nebraska Cattlemen Natural Resources and Environment committee and serves on the Executive and Finance committee. In 2022, he stepped away from serving on the Twin Platte Natural Resource District board of directors after 22 years. As an 18-year Sandhills Task Force board member and current vice-chairman, his favorite aspect is that a diverse group of private and public organizations, collaborating with ranchers, can accomplish many projects that benefit land, water, and wildlife while simultaneously helping private ranching to be more profitable and sustainable.